Understanding a Customer's Buying Cycle

With so many online resources, yоur customers has a lot of information about your business before they decide to become your customer. It can be a lengthy process and a bit more complex than ѕіmрlу saying; "I need tо purchase something and I know precisely from who". 
The customer buying cycle is defined in 3 steps. First, you have awareness which can be described as the moment the customer sees your product while there is a need for it. Second, there is moment of consideration where they are evaluating your product or services for a possible purchase. Lastly, the final step is purchase, where the buyer makes a purchase.

Here are some ways to market to these buyers:
1) Awareness
Having an online presence such as a website that describes your product and services will help your buyer find you. It’s always good to have testimonials to provide credibility as well as recommendations through sites such as yelp or google business.

2) Consideration
When your customer has found you,  it’s best to introduce your product as a solution to a problem the buyer may be having. The buyer is trying to see if your offering can meet their challenges and how you will be doing it.

Having a quote or contract that describes your methodology with a breakdown of costs associated with how you will be address their needs will be beneficial at this stage. describe the value the buyer will be receiving if they choose you as a vendor and include reviews or customer references.  

3) Purchase
The buyer is ready to be your customer. If the customer requires more time, you should consider giving them a discount or coupons.  Having a simply way for them to agree to your terms through electronic signature and payments will be helpful to ensure you close the deal quickly.
It’s important to understand who your customers are, where to find them and what is the best way to approach these buyers. Thus, it іѕ essential tо categorize your audience bу their buying cycle (and persona). This wіll help you define уоur marketing and sales approach to best fit the information they need and requirements for each stage.


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About Mosspaper

With Mosspaper anyone can create, sign, track and accept quotes and contracts anywhere. Mosspaper provides a streamlined paperless quote and contract renewal SaaS solution from creation to sales renewals, allowing users to monitor and track work.  The company offers a quote creator tool, paperless approval process, centralized customer communications, e-signature, payment integration, real-time notifications, and data analytics for small businesses.

To learn more more information about Mosspaper and how Mosspaper works, please visit our website.


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