Reasons Why You Should Go Paperless

Going paperless can bring a lot of benefits to one’s business. Documents take up a lot of space in one’s office and can lead to clutter. A messy office desk with piles of paper is a thing of the past. More businesses are starting to adopt better ways to be more efficient. For instances, paying bills can take up a lot of time when doing it the old fashion way. Rather than having filing cabinets with files and forms, a lot of businesses are finding way to digitize everything.

45% of the paper printed in offices end up in the bin by the end of the day. Companies such Citigroup started enforces little changes such as printing double-sided to conserve one sheet of paper each week. Citigroup calculated savings worth $700,000 each year from this change in policy. While Bank of America has implemented changes like putting account forms and invoices online which has saved the company over $10 million, not including the savings in postage and storage.

Whether you want to make small changes towards reduce waste and cost. There are things to think about as you decide if this is right for your business. Here are some reasons why you should go paperless:

1)   Saves Space and money. Physical office space is saved with the reduction of storing documents. Reduce the use of ink, printer, faxes, mail and gas when you go meet a client. Having all your documents in a centralized database helps you store unlimited number of documents at a tiny fraction of the cost.

2)   Organizing Your Business. The organization of business is vital to the sustaining your business. Eliminating the need for your employees to spend time and effort in maintain hard copies of documents means they have more time to spend on value added tasks. Without a strong foundation, it can adversely affect your profitability and scalability.

3)   Improving Productivity. With so many things going on throughout the day, having cloud-based tools to access information helps to streamline your employee’s workflow. Tools such a quote and contract management platform holds all your sales documents so your team can reference and easily send out important information to clients with a click of button.

When you go paperless, you can say goodbye to large file cabinets, and you’ll have more time to run your core business. With access to all your documentation on a cloud-based solution, your documents are available anywhere you are. Best of all, your business will be more environmentally friendly by reducing the demand for paper.


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About Mosspaper

With Mosspaper anyone can create, sign, track and accept quotes and contracts anywhere. Mosspaper provides a streamlined paperless quote and contract renewal SaaS solution from creation to sales renewals, allowing users to monitor and track work.  The company offers a quote creator tool, paperless approval process, centralized customer communications, e-signature, payment integration, real-time notifications, and data analytics for small businesses.

To learn more more information about Mosspaper and how Mosspaper works, please visit our website.


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